It is that time of the year again! We will be having elections for the District roles in the coming months. Leadership in Toastmasters can be a rewarding experience, for you, your peers, and the community. It is your chance to enhance your life skills and give back to the community.  Here are all the details you need. 

Designations and Responsibilities: 

The following positions will be  contested for the tenure July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024:
–  District Director
–  Program Quality Director
–  Club Growth Director
–  Division Director (Division A, B, C)
–  Area Director (All Areas) 

See qualifications for all these positions here:,Qualifications,-At%20the%20time

Please see the list of responsibilities for the roles here.
District Director Page  19
Program Quality Director Page  21
Club Growth Director Page  23
Division Director Page  29
Area Director Page  31
All election-related information is available here. The competencies required in a District officer are listed here.

All eligible members are encouraged to apply.
How To Apply 

The first thing to do is to fill out this form:

Elections for District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Directors
All interested candidates for the positions of District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and Division Director are to send:

A copy of the Candidate Application Form  (if you wish to apply yourself);       

Please send the completed forms to, with the subject line: CANDIDACY FOR 2023-24. Please do not send the forms to any other email. The deadline for document submission is Sunday the 6th of February, 2023 (midnight Pakistan time).

PLEASE NOTE: FILL THE FORM AND SEND THE EMAIL TO MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CANDIDACY IS RECORDED AND PROCESSED. Preferably, also send a personal message to myself (+92 345 2231423) when you have filed the documents, to ensure that the email gets seen and acknowledged. 

The list of nominated candidates will be shared with all members by mid-April 2023 or earlier either by email or on the website (there can be multiple nominated candidates for different posts).

As per Protocol 9 of Toastmasters International, only those members are eligible to run as floor candidates in the District Council meeting who have completed the evaluation process conducted by the DLC and have declared their intent to run to the District Director and DLC Chair at least seven (7) days prior to the elections to be held during the annual District Council meeting.

Elections for Area Directors:

As approved by the District Council meeting, Area Directors for the next year will be elected by the respective Area Councils. The Area Council meeting, at which the election for Area Director is conducted must be held and the results of the election notified to the District Director by June 15, 2023.

The current Area Director shall determine the time and place of the meeting and written notice of the election shall be given to each Club President in the Area at least four weeks before the election. The elections are subject to alignment changes by the District Council.

Each club in the Area may submit to the Area Director, in writing, any paid member as a candidate for Area Director. The Area Director shall place the names of candidates from the clubs in nomination at the election. Nominations then will be accepted from the floor. After the nominations are closed, if there is only one candidate, the Area Director shall declare that candidate elected.  If there is more than one candidate, then voting shall be done by secret ballot. Any candidate who receives a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected.